Sunday, December 18, 2005


I've been so busy in studying that I completely forgot what I asked for christmas--even that Christmas is coming. Recalling Santa should be dropping off a beautiful Canon S70, my spirits definitely peaked--then piqued.

The entire last two weeks have been like a dream sequence: between the caffeine, long hours, and subsequent malnutrition, everything and everyone is just floating along. I'm just going to open my eyes and finals will be over and I'll be sitting on a couch with a drink in my hand at my family friend's Christmas eve party, no idea how the hell I got there and why I'm so intoxicated. Maybe I'm already there--intoxicated. Intoxicated with so many questions, I can't handle the answers.

I've been using the punching bag my roommate aquired earlier this fall to see if it holds any guidance. Since, my knuckles have been bloody even with my gloves, my arms are perpetually heavy, my hands haven't held still from the muscles twitching in my arm.

I guess it just takes some time to callous.

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